ProjectWise Geospatial Explorer Help

Scan MapInfo Files > Search Options

When scanning MapInfo files, the scanning tool uses various strategies to group together the scanned file and its constituents. The strategy depends on what type of file is being scanned. The strategy is the following:

  • The scanned file is a workspace file (.wor) — The scanning engine will extract from the scanned file the name of each file composing this workspace file and will search in the Datasource. If such a file is found, it will be added to the wor filés logical set.

  • The scanned file is a table file (.tab) — The scanning engine creates a logical set with all the files that has the same name as the table file. For a raster tab file, the raster name is extracted from the tab file and a search is performed to see if this file exists. Then, if this file is found, the logical set is created between the raster and the tab file.